“The power of acupuncture is to harmonize and strengthen the body systems before a disease stage, but the power of esoteric acupuncture is to work with consciousness and strengthen the center which consists of the various levels of your heart.”
– Dr. Mikio Sankey
Esoteric Acupuncture focuses on the utilization of traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, along with the Hindu Chakra System, Sacred Geometry, and the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. A primary focus is the balancing of Qi and the Qi flow within the various body systems. Balancing the chakras, which are vortices of energy located in set areas of the body, is one method of creating a more harmonious frequency within our energy field. Another focus is to establish a strong and harmonious connection with the higher spiritual realms. The strengthening and harmonization process of the finer frequencies, and the conscious understanding of this process, will simultaneously align and initiate the opening of the Heart Center.
The protocol for Esoteric Acupuncture does not include the typical and familiar Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice of diagnosing through signs and symptoms of disease processes. The emphasis for treatments with Esoteric Acupuncture is on the correction of energetic imbalances by working with the seven physical body chakras through the acupuncture patterns.
Please see www.esotericacupuncture.com for more information.